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Home / Training

Our philosophy in training:

"The motivated and happy horse feels understood."

"The horse that is understood feels motivated."

Communication with our horse is so important because it models and dominates every single second of being with our animals ​ Our aim is to invite horse lovers into a new horse world of wonderful connections . Warm welcome!

The growing understanding of smaller and larger contexts helps us to keep an overview when it comes to structured but empathetic training structure. This understanding of connections also protects us from disappointments during care and training.

Based on the academic art of riding, we offer individual lessons in and around Tarifa, southern Spain. If you live further away and still want to enjoy our lessons, you are welcome to contact us for online lessons.


We also offer theory seminars for interested small groups (4-5P).
Anyone who would like to embark on a journey into horse communication but does not own a horse can benefit from our theoretical offerings and/or be a spectator at individual training sessions.

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